Monday, February 18, 2008

Sooooo.... winter weekends in Missouri are so incredibly exciting! (she said with a hint of sarcasm) Being that I grew up in San Diego; one wardrobe, pretty much 2 seasons.... Sunny and Marine layer, winter and i are NOT on speaking terms... Justin keeps laughing at I write, but i am dead serious! We'll have these days that you look out the window and see nothing but sunshine, then, you walk out into 8* weather! What kind of sick joke is that? I guess the only hope I get this time of year comes from what they say about Missouri weather, "If you don't like it, just wait an hour." Needless to say, we have to get pretty creative with our weekend plans.

So, Friday night we watched the movie, "Trade" which made me sick to my stomach not only from the theme, but the horrible acting.

I am convinced that Redbox is a vending machine for crappy movies... i.e Trade - although I am still hoping that next time I visit the local Redbox, Hannah Montanna will be back in stock. I am secretly addicted t0 Hannah Monanna - it all started when Anna was born. During our hospital visit there was a Hannah Montanna marathon on Disney, and I watched almost the entire thing - I figured that I needed to get up to snuff on "girly" things.

Now the weekend is over, back to Justin working 24/7 and the winter drudgery... I can't wait for Spring! At least I have Anna's silliness to entertain me!

Anna's First Post... ever

Below you will find a message from Anna... she isn't a great speller yet, and Angela is not home to help correct... I figure in a few years we can ask Anna what she was trying to tell the world.

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

OUR blog

Well we finnaly decided to make one of these blog thingys... I think I like it better than Facebook - less "so-and-so challenged you to a gay quiz" notices... Anyways, the fun part about this blog, other than Angela's spelling corrections every 5 minutes, is that it is going to be co-created. Both Angela and I will be responsible for content... I know, it's crazy! However, it has also been the source of many debates thus far - i.e. what color palette should we use, blah, blah, blah...

We are going to also self impose strict color options on our text - i.e. Justin types in one color, green; Angela types in another, she hasn't decided yet...

Okay.. Justin already looks a little agitated by my .... advice:) Well-meaning though it may be:)

Apparently Angela's text will also be accompanied by a smiley :) after every 4 i won't, or at least i will try not to. So, this blog should be a pretty good look into our relationship and family life...that is if we maintain it. It should also be a pretty good communication exercise for our marriage... kind of like our tandem bike. I try not to tell Justin how to write and withhold all advice on spelling and grammar, so that he can speak his mind (eventhough he misspelled finally), then I can wait for my turn... in purple:) dang you smileys!!!