Friday, April 4, 2008


Anna has crossed over to the dark side... or so it seems. She has been "teething" for the last 5 months off and on, but all of that preparation was nothing compared to this week. She actually has a tooth breaking through and the poor girl is miserable. I had just got her sleeping through the night a month ago *yeah* and now the teething monster had to come along. Two days ago she cried anytime I walked in a direction opposite hers and wasn't happy unless she was in physical contact with me. She has improved during the day, but two or three nights this week, including tonight, she has woken repeatedly screaming in pain. WHEN WILL IT END>>>??? Will all of her teeth be this bad? At least her funny faces have kept us smiling. Pray for patience for me, and rest, and especially an end to pain for Anna.


Megan said...

oh boy.. and i thought she was having a hard time at thanksgiving!!! hang in there..

Josh Stichter said...

She looks like an angry pirate! Arrrg....rejected!